

Where do we start?

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Where do we start? This summer has been so full of revelations from the Lord. We have no idea how, in the world, we are going to relay it all to you in a short email.

Disclaimer: if this is too wordy for you, just read the bold stuff and skip the details!

First, we prayed, “Lord, if you want us to go to Africa this summer, provide the funds. If you don’t, don’t provide a cent.” Well, he provided in a very BIG way through many of you and we went.

Our plan was to travel to Kenya, Uganda and Sudan. God had laid very specific ministries on our heart to see. This trip was all about finding out who we were to partner with and where God wanted to use us, in the flesh on African soil, in the next couple of years after Jay finished his RN degree. In the words of Isaiah, we were saying, “Here I am Lord, send me!”

When we arrived in Kenya the Holy Spirit moved very quickly. Jay was awakened from his sleep with the following revelation:

We went to Africa with the expectation that God would show us where he wanted us to serve and a time frame for our permanent move. Well, what he revealed to us, actually was a shocker, but he gave it with such clarity and peace that I knew it could only be from HIM!
We were lying awake the first night because of jet lag, and I was just laying there praying, things like, “God just show us where you want us to live, and show me where you need me and my nursing skills.” What he answered was something like this, “Jay, I know you love me and I know you love my people, but you’re not needed here for a while. You have spent the last 6 years raising other people’s children, you need to go home and raise yours!” I was not prepared for that news, but like I said before, he gave me so much peace!

Later that week one of our friends said, “Don’t orphan your own kids by taking care of orphans.”
God just continued to show us how much we’re not needed there physically. What is needed, though is our time, influence and resources for our friend Peter and Rehoboth House. He is doing so much with so little! Our “call” now is to help raise money to feed the children of Rehoboth House. That’s the most strategic, efficient thing we can do with your help.

As many of you know, three years ago in 2009, Ken Childress and Jay headed off to Kitale, Kenya to meet a Kenyan man named Peter who Jay and been emailing for about four months. Peter had been using the Bighouse website to get ideas about his own outreach to orphans in his community
. After a few months he decided to send an email to Jay thanking him for all the hard work he was doing at Bighouse and how much our ideas of ministry had helped him with his outreach in Kenya. We were all very taken back by this. After communicating back and forth Peter invited Ken and Jay to come and see what God had allowed him to do in Kenya.

The results from the 2009 trip were huge for Peter. Ken and Jay quickly realized that Peter was doing a great work in trying to provide for the needs of 20 orphans. At the time they were living in three 10x10 rooms with a large mattress on the ground that they were all sleeping on. They had shelter, food, and were getting enrolled in school. Ken, a long time board member for Lightbearer’s, brought with him knowledge on how to partner with locals so they could provided a sustainable income so the gospel could continue to be spread to those in physical and spiritual need. Jay and Ken were about to set Peter up with a motorcycle taxi service that he had always dreamed about.

The “Pikki Pikki” was purchased for $1,100. Peter lives on 40% of the profits and 60% are used to care for the orphans. Keep in mind when we use the term orphan we are talking about children without any family members to care for them. In 2011, due to the gift a generous family, another “Pikki Pikki” was purchased and he was able to move them to an even better home, this home looks quite different from what Jay and Ken saw in 2009.

These 20 children now live in a gated compound in their community called, Kipsongo, where they all attend school and church. They are provided with clothing, bunk beds with mattresses, three meals a day and loving care by Nixon and Fatuma who are married and have a little boy named Jenkins. And also by Eunice who has two son of her own.
God’s desire for Jay and I, right now, is to use our time, talent and resources to help Peter with the work God placed on his heart. We were so blessed to attend church with him and his family, eat in their home, meet their friends and watch them interact and live life with each other. Their love for the Lord was so evident. Their compassion for the needy was present every day. They spent hours a day caring for the children. They make sure they all have food & clothes. They spend time having meetings with their teachers at school to see how they are doing and what they may need. We were so overcome by the unselfishness and gratefulness we saw and we knew that it was no mistake that Jay got that “not so random” email three years ago. God totally orchestrated all of this so that we can continue to help Peter with what I would call his Matthew 25 ministry.

One day we sat down with Peter to get more details from him. Below is a list of what we accomplished while in Kitale, Kenya and what we hope you will help us accomplish this next year:                                                                                          

5 mattresses: $150
3 soccer balls: $40
3 jump ropes: $20
200lbs beans: $83
200lbs rice: $83
200lbs corn: $83
Laptop for Peter $400
Hiring Evans to drive us to Jinga, Uganda $210
(Hiring Evans proved to be an incredible relationship building time. He was able to have an experience of a lifetime plus provide for his family and get much needed car repairs.)

Total: $1,069

After talking with Peter we quickly realized that providing food for the children is his biggest stress. Food prices fluctuate depending on harvest and the time of year. There are times that the prices double or triple. We want to relieve the food burden from him so that his resources raised from the “Pikki Pikki” can be used for upkeep on the children’s home.

It will cost roughly $100 a month to provide food and coal for 20 orphans and 3 care takers and their three children. Wow! We can do that and we would love you to be a part of it! We would like to raise $2,000 this year to help Peter with food and any other unexpected costs that may arise. If you are interested in helping that would be great. As you can see we don’t need much so send what God lays on your heart and we will let everyone know when we have met our goal.   

We have attached a detailed flyer with pictures and more information on how you can donate. Feel free to print this out and share it. We will be sending emails from time to time sharing prayer needs and updates on the children. Join us in prayer that these children understand the love of their heavenly father through the love of their earthly care givers.

Love and Blessings,

Jay & Melissa

“What does the Lord require of us: To do justice, to love mercy and to walk humbly with our God.” Micah 6:8

To see more photo's and to learn more about Rehoboth House CLICK HERE