

He has Risen! He has risen, INDEED!

On Saturday I was reminiscing the Easters from my childhood. I remember how excited I was to wake up on Easter morning, put on my beautiful custom dress made by my talented mother that had been taunting me all week long. Then I would go outside to  have a  picture taken with my siblings and then head off to church where we would chant the phrase. The pastor would passionately say, "HE HAS RISEN!" and we would all chant back, "He has risen, INDEED!"

Throughout my childhood  I may have experienced Easter in several different churches but, there were still many things that stayed the same. I still woke up to my hand made dress, had my picture taken with my brother and sister, and then went to church where we would all chant, "He has risen, INDEED!"

What does this mean? This is what I kept thinking about Saturday. I was wondering, "Is it just something we say because it is the "Easter" thing to say?" As I was reflecting on  what Easter  means to me now at this point in my life I realized it is the response to this statement that I have never really taken time to understand.

Yes, Jesus has risen. But, can I say he has risen, INDEED?
in fact; in reality; in truth; truly
(used for emphasis, to confirm and amplify a previous statement, to indicate a concession or admission)

Yes! I can!
Indeed- he has healed hurts that wounded my heart deeply
Indeed- he allowed me to be raised by parents you taught me the ways of Jesus
Indeed- he showed himself to me at a young age
Indeed- he brought mentors that have shown me his truths
Indeed- he gave me a husband who loves me unconditionally because he seeks the Lord

Indeed- he comforted me when I miscarried and then blessed me with an amazing son, JT, whom I   get to show how to be a follower of Jesus
Indeed- he comforted me, again, when I miscarried and then blessed me with an amazing daughter, whom I get to show how to be a follower of Jesus
Indeed- he has brought light into the very dark places of my life
Indeed- he has showed me that my identity is in Him and not man
Indeed- he place on my heart to give up my materialism so that my time could be spent reaching out to at risk teens through Bighouse (I still struggle with materialism but God is my strength!)
Indeed- he has provided for our financial, medical, transportation, education and housing needs since we have lived on support for the last six and half years
Indeed- he has caused my heart to break because of injustice, to learn to love mercy and to strive to walk humbly with him. (Micah 6:8)
Indeed- he has given me the strength and desire to say, "I am the Lord's servant, and I am willing to accept whatever he wants. " (Luke: 1:38)

Easter Sunday, April 8, 2012. I woke up, put on a skirt that I have owned for five years, meant to take a picture of all of us but didn't because I forgot, can you imagine! We arrived at church early knowing it would be a busy Sunday. I saved four seats but I was unsure that JT would sit with us because he had spent the night before with his friend, Grady. As the music started to play I reflected on the words of the songs. Phrases like... my Redeemer Lives, Every one needs Compassion, Let Mercy Fall etc.. Hearing Claira's voice sing was like standing next to a heavenly angel. JT came and set by me. He hugged me and whispered in my ear that he loved me. When Jay was done with his ushering duties  he came and joined the rest of us.

So, here I was with my husband, who I adore, and my two incredible children, who I had prayed for, at my sides, a rare treat since they are usually in their age appropriate services, and it happened. Our pastor and dear friend, Lee, takes the stage and says passionately, "HE has RISEN!" and we all four reply, "He has risen, INDEED! For the first time in 36 years I was humbled and completely amazing at the phrase.

 Ineed, he has risen!

1 comment:

  1. you look just like your mom in that picture! How cute and funny!
