

News From Rehoboth House

“We can do no great things, only small things with great love.”
–Mother Teresa

Thanks to many of you this quote has come true at Rehoboth House (click to learn more) . It is a small thing to us (Americans) to donate $2,500 a year to feed 25 orphans three meals a day, but the love they receive with each meal is so incredibly pleasing to our Heavenly Father.

ay and I wanted to share with you all the good news we have received from Peter.

  • God provided an extra $300. Peter was able to use the money to pay for the certification of the children’s home.

  • 3 of the older girls passed all the exams needed for secondary school (High School). They are so proud that they will be able to attend.
  • All of the children are healthy, doing well in school, and well fed. Praise you Jesus!

  • Peter and Eunice have rented a three bedroom home so that they can take care of 5 more orphans. We are so humbled by their selflessness and willingness to be the hands and feet of Jesus to these special treasures.

  •  Eunice gave birth to a baby boy named Allen! We are so excited! Mom and baby are both doing well.  “Baby” Melissa will now be called “Big Sister”.

When Jay and I returned from Africa last summer I was given a book for my Birthday. This friend had no idea how needed that book would be for Jay and I. We came home knowing we wouldn’t be returning to Africa for a long while, but our God is so gracious. Through this book He has helped us realize a responsibility we have to continue to come alongside Peter as he reaches out to the orphans in his community. “For God, so loved the WORLD…”

“It starts with you. In the end, God simply calls you to be faithful to the things He has given you to do. He doesn’t require you to be a superstar, just faithful and obedient, by praying, loving, serving,
giving, forgiving, healing, and caring- doing small things with great love.”        -Richard Stearns

We are so honored to be advocates for Rehoboth House.
Looking Ahead

  •  In August we will begin raising funds for food. Please begin to pray about contributing.
  •  We want to talk with Peter about future expansion of his business or other business opportunities so that more needs can be met through his ministry.
  • We know that in the near future the children will need school sponsorships.  Secondary (High) School requires a fee. We may need to help provide for their schooling until a business is established to cover the expense.
  • Our goal is to help without hurting. To help without them being dependent on us. Peter and his partner Caleb also desire to stand on their own two feet. We want to offer a “leg up”. Please pray that God shows us how to continue to do this.

Gresham Family Update:

Jay is now working at Mercy Hospital in Rogers in the OR and PACU. He loves his new position! He still plans to further his education after he settles into his new role. God has made clear to him the need to gain as much knowledge and training possible.

I have loved being homemaker this past year. What a great time for me to be Jay’s cheerleader and helper and to also be completely available to JT and Claira as they navigate through their teen years.  It is like the “Private School” version of Bighouse. We are still living at Woodway Apartments  (click on link to learn more) which enables me to love on, help and hopefully encourage the families and college students around me.  

JT will begin his 11th grade year at Providence Academy,  he is working at Modern Mission (outdoor laser tag) and becoming an incredible young man.

Claira, is the community babysitter, it seems, but she is incredible at it! All the kids love her more than me! (Yes, I’m slightly envious) She loves photography and will be homeschooled for her 8th grade year.

For all of you that have contributed financially to this cause, THANK YOU!!! The children cannot express it to you themselves, but we know they are so incredibly thankful and so are we!

email update jul.18, 2013

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